Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So...this the third time that I am restarted this blog. There have been so so many distractions from maintaining her. I have made a schedule of videos and blog posts that I'm super excited about! I'm so glad that I'm finally fully diving into this dream that I've had for the past five years!

Within the next couple months, I'll be moving out of the dorms and into a house! I'm planning my filming and blogging station and I'm so stoked for it! Desk, makeup collection, hair station, nail polish collection, perfume collection, and clothing rack! It's going to be beautiful and organized and probably the main focus of my room. I'm, in all honesty, probably going to be focussing more on this than on school..whoops! This has been such a dream of mine for five years, so why not dive all in?

Stay tuned for the fun!

Love you,

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