Monday, March 25, 2013


Well, quick update:

I have taken down several of my previous posts for the simple reason of "Life changes." I felt that the content of them was completely're gone. A lot has recently changed for me. I am at a point in my life to where I can strictly focus on me, hence this post. Here pretty soon, my YouTube channel will be up and running! I'm seriously so so excited to start this new chapter and you guys are going to be along for the ride. There is so much in front of me right now and I'm so ready to dive in and do what I love most...talking and fashion. 

Beware world, I'm coming for you! Get ready to see a lot more of me. Whether it be a blog post, YouTube video, or even a vlog. You never really know with me, because, quite honestly, I never know with me. 

I'm in the process of getting together ideas for posts and videos. So be patient with might take me awhile to get everything together. My first will be a haul of the purchases I made this weekend. I'm so excited for these new pieces and to spread my love of all things Hayley with you guys (and my reasons behind my craziness). 

And remember 1 Samuel 16:7 "The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

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